
Netizens express worry over Bill Gates' factory breeding millions of mosquitoes

Did you know that there is something a World Mosquito Program run by Bill Gates himself? The Microsoft co-founder runs a mosquito factory in Colombia and we are not kidding!

Apparently, one of the richest persons in the world is running this factory for global well-being. The factory is where genetically modified mosquitoes are created and released into the wild in different parts of the world (with the prior consent of those nations, of course). In all, 30 million mosquitos are bred every single week at this one factory!

How does all this lead to any good? These GM mosquitoes carry a bacteria named Wolbachia. Owing to the bacteria, the mosquitoes who mate with the GM mosquitoes become incapable of transmitting dengue, Zika virus, yellow fever and chikungunya to humans.

This way, as per Gates, millions of deaths have been prevented year after year!

But a large section of social media users are of the belief that this is a dangerous mission. They don't trust Gates because he allegedly aims to depopulate the world. What if GM mosquitoes develop a dangerous capacity to infect humans with new diseases? This fear has been expressed by many, especially because of the scary experience with Covid-19, an allegedly lab-made virus.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has reportedly spent over $30 million on the mission.

India is not part of the program because our government hasn't consented to it so far. Or, perhaps, Gates has not sought any consent in the first place.

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