
Well, just when everyone thought that the demon is gone it seems to be coming back in another avatar. We are talking about the Coronavirus which has been rattling the globe since the last few years. So far, the world has seen three waves and it has gone through immense destruction in terms of lives, finances and lifestyle.

The impact has been quite hard hitting India as well. Now, it appears that a fourth wave might be in the offing. In the recent weeks, there has been a significant spike in the number of corona cases and three states have already implemented the compulsory mask rule again.

Reports reveal that Corona's last mutation Omicron's sub variant BF.7 is now coming up with yet another variant XEB 1.16 and this is leading to a rise in cases. The emergence of the new variant XEB 1.16 is concerning as it may possess a different set of mutations that could make it more transmissible and resistant to existing vaccines. This could lead to a surge in new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, which could once again overwhelm the healthcare system.

Given this scenario, it is important for individuals to follow the guidelines set by the authorities such as wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and getting vaccinated as soon as possible. Already, the central government is passing strict directives to certain states in terms of the prevention measures. Let us see how the coming months will be.

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