
'Sakthi' jinx didn't scare me while making 'Kalki 2898 AD': Aswini Dutt

'Sakthi', the fantasy action film, was released in 2011. The Jr NTR-Meher Ramesh project was a huge flop. Producer C Aswini Dutt suffered losses to the tune of Rs 30 Cr.

In an interview later, Dutt said that he was cautioned about the film possibly angering powerful Goddesses due to the element of Sakshi Peethalu incorporated into the script. Her fears turned out to be true, as the film flopped miserably.

'Kalki 2898 AD' has a strong Hindu religious undercurrent. Was Dutt haunted by the 'Sakthi' jinx while producing it? Did he fear that a gaffe or a blunder might anger the Gods once again?

In his latest interview, Dutt said that Nag Ashwin's narration was so tight that he had no reason to have any apprehensions or misgivings.

The producer said that the film grossed Rs 300 Cr in two days at the box-office.

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