
'Kalki 2898 AD': Fake scene in climax busted

In the era of fake news, how about fake epic-ness? 'Kalki 2898 AD' has achieved that. The Mahabharatha scene in the climax where Lord Krishna speaks as though Karna is much greater than Arjuna is not true. The Mahabharatha written by Vyasa has no mention of the scene.

"Arjuna pushes Karna's rath some 10 steps back, and Karna only 2 steps so Arjuna goes berserk and laughs at Karna. So, Shri Krishna tells Arjuna that he is sitting on a chariot built by Agni, protected by Hanuman and charioteered by Janardhan himself and still Karna is throwing it two steps back. So, naturally Arjuna is a pompous nut while Karna is the real deal. GREAT STORY EXCEPT IT'S FAKE. MAHARSHI VYAS NEVER WROTE THIS," wrote Atul Kumar Mishra, the author of a book on the Mahabharata.

As per Ami Gantara, an author who has published a book on the Ramayana, the real issue is such narratives "discredit the real hero from whom we have much to learn and instead create unwarranted sympathy for an otherwise loser who pushed his friend down the path of destruction against good advice from everyone". She further adds, "Karna is not a friend nor an ideal to follow."

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