
Raptadu: Thopudurthi To Break Paritala Fort Agai?

The Raptadu and Dharmavaram electoral trends are usually very much in favor of the Paritala family. But cut to 2019, Thopudurthi Prakash Reddy broke the Raptadu barrier as he defeated Paritala Sriram in Raptadu.

Then, Chandrababu acted swiftly and replaced Sriram with his mother Sunitha.

But talking about the ground level equations, Thopudurthi is receiving negative feedback from voters due to his brother's shadow government, and differences with segment leaders are further exacerbating the situation.

However, the social coalition, especially acceptance in the Kuruba community, is expected to help gain vote share and retain previous support. Thopudurthi has emerged as a big brand in Thopudurthi now.

Paritala Sunitha benefits from the charisma of the Paritala family, mass image and the strong TDP loyal vote bank. Her close association with the TDP chief is a significant advantage.

But the chances are that Thopudurthi might be able to retain the Raptadu seat despite Sunitha’s candidacy here.

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