
'Jigarthanda DoubleX' to stream in English as well!

For the past few days, 'Jigarthanda DoubleX' has been streaming on Netflix in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada. On Saturday, the streaming giant made its English-language streaming official. The decision has been made given the action drama receiving rave reviews.

Produced by Kaarthekeyen Santhanam, S Kathiresan, and Alankar Pandian, the Diwali release has been directed by Karthik Subbaraj. Recently, Hollywood actor-writer-director Clint Eastwood's team said that he will be watching the Kollywood film soon after he completes his current assignments and finds some free time. Clint's filmography has been given a hat-tip by the film.

The film flopped in Telugu but became a hit in Tamil. "Caeser (Raghava Lawrence) is a gangster who admires the work of Clint Eastwood. Ray Dasan (SJ Suryah), an aspiring cop, pretends to be a film director in order to make a coming-of-age, subversive gangster drama with Caeser as the hero. This unique attempt, unexpectedly, affects the lives of a tribal population in Kurnool district. The story, set in the 1970s, also involves a PM aspirant," our review said about the synopsis.

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