
Faced with a police complaint, Raj Tarun hits out at his ex-girlfriend Lavanya

It has been a bad day for Raj Tarun. The day began with Lavanya, his estranged girlfriend, lodging a police complaint against him at a police station in Narsingi. She accused him of cheating on her by living with an actress named Malvi Malhotra.

Raj Tarun broke his silence hours afterward. Here is what he told the media today:

"It is true that I and Lavanya were in a relationship. But that's a thing of the past. It ended in 2017. Despite her problematic ways, I stayed mum because I feared for my image and reputation. If the media cares to probe, the truth will be uncovered. I am going to fight this legally.

If she (Lavanya) so much wants me and loves me, why did she enter into a relationship with one Mastain Sai? Eight years ago, she even lodged an FIR demanding that he marry her.

I and Lavanya used to live together in a flat. She got used to drugs. She has blackmailed me many times. I will explore the legal options that are available to me.

The allegations made by Lavanya in her police complaint are baseless. She has no proof to back her allegations."

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