The name Vivek Ramaswamy may not ring a bell but this 37 year old happens to be the 'CEO of Anti-Woke inc' as dubbed by the New Yorker. Known to be a multi-millionaire, it is heard that Vivek Ramaswamy is a vegetarian but more than that, it seems he is now likely to join the race for the coveted US Presidency on behalf of the Republican Party.

He is busy propagating the dangers of 'Wokeism' and socially-responsible investing otherwise called environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing. For now, it is heard that Ramaswamy has a plan and he wants to enter the presidential race with an entrepreneurial approach just like Donald Trump.

Vivek Ramaswamy is a 37-year-old entrepreneur and investor who has gained attention for his views on "Wokeism" and socially-responsible investing. He is the founder and CEO of Roivant Sciences, a biopharmaceutical company, and has been dubbed the "CEO of Anti-Woke inc" by The New Yorker. He argues that so-called "Wokeism" has become a dogmatic ideology that is more interested in promoting social justice than in finding solutions to real-world problems.

In addition to this, Ramaswamy also argues that ESG investing is often based on subjective and ill-defined criteria and can lead to suboptimal investment decisions. Despite his relatively low profile in the political world, many are seeing him as a potential Republican candidate for the presidency. Ramaswamy's potential candidacy has drawn both praise and criticism. While some see him as a fresh face who can bring a business-oriented approach to the presidency, critics argue that his views on "Wokeism" and ESG investing are out of touch with the mainstream and that he lacks political experience. While that may be the American perspective, if Ramaswamy indeed manages to get a ticket for the Presidency, India and its people would be beating their chest with pride for sure.

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